
Prof. Sima Avramovic


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Research Centers

Forum Romanum

The 35th Anniversary of Rorum Romanum, 2005


Rhetorik-Wettbewerb (Belgrad). Konkurs Retoryki (Belgrad). Конкурс риторики (Белград)

The 12th Competition in Oratory, 2006


2006 Alan Watson Foundation prize

The Alan Watson Foundation Prizes, 2006

The Society for Roman Law and Classics Forum Romanum has a particularly rich tradition. Established in 1970, it organizes discussion forums and social activities on a weekly basis. Over the years, dozens of internationally renowned professors have participated in its activities, including authorities such as: Hans Ankum (Amsterdam), Peter Birks (Oxford), Silvio Ferrari (Milano), Gabor Hamza (Budapest), Stephen Hicks (Suffolk, Boston), Sally Humphreys (Ann Arbour), Robert Hayden (Pittsburgh), James Klebba (Loyola, New Orleans), George Marovich (U.S. District Court, Illinois), Charalampos Papastathis (Thessaloniki), David Pugsley (England), Olivia Robinson (Glasgow), Peter Stein (Cambridge), Alexander Soloviev (Washington D.C.), Gerhard Thuer (Graz) and Alan Watson (UGA. Athens, Georgia). Several international legal scholars publish their contributions in the Law Journal Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade.


Institutio Oratoria

Professor Avramovic also leads the Center for Oratory Institutio oratoria, which gathers all those interested in developing public speaking skills and prepares them for competitions. The traditional annual student oratory competition has become an event that attracts interest of the entire University and the general public. Following the example of the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law, a number of other faculties organize their own competitions, the winners of which participate in the Serbian universities wide finals.

In the competition students deliver their speeches on free-choice and given topics, and on this occasion the largest lecture hall of the Faculty is regularly filled to its full capacity. This competition also represents an opportunity for students to express their sincere and critical opinions in front of government officials sitting in the front rows. Indeed, this event is a real spectacle.


Alan Watson Foundation

The Alan Watson Foundation (, founded in 2005, is a nonprofit scholarly organization established by the University of Belgrade in honor of Alan Watson who is Distinguished Research Professor and Ernest P. Rogers Chair of Law at the University of Georgia School of Law, and doctor honoris causa of the University of Belgrade.

The organization’s fundamental mission is to encourage and disseminate a multidisciplinary understanding of law, and foster scholarship broadly focusing on the correlation between law and society. By gathering around the international scientific community devoted to research of law in its social context, AWF is dedicated to the development of comparative law and legal history via developing international cooperation in these fields, publishing electronic publications, information dissemination and other activities. The Foundation is led by Professor Sima Avramovic and the International Advisory Board (John W. Cairns, Paul du Plessis, Olivia Robinson, Prakash Shah, Jan M. Smits, Gerhard Thuer, David A. Westbrook).

Since 2005, gifted students have earned the Alan Watson Prize for their contributions in the understanding of legal transplants and the diffusion of law in specific historical contexts.


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